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影片《穿普拉达的女王》是根据劳伦魏丝伯格(Lauren Weisberger)的同名小说改编而成,由大卫弗兰科尔执导,梅丽尔斯特里普,安妮海瑟薇和艾米莉布朗特联袂出演。


1. Oh , Im sorry, What exactly is it that you do anyway.抱歉,你到底是做什么的

2.I dont think Im like that , I couldnt do what you do to Nigel, Miranda。I could not do something like that。我不觉得我像你,我不能像你那样对奈杰尔,马琳达.我不能做出那样的事。

3. I could understand why its so difficult to confirm an appointment. Details of your incompetence neither do nor interest me. I asked for clean, athletic, smiling, she sent me dirty, tired ,and paunchy .我不明白预约有那么难吗,我对你无能的细节没兴趣,我要的是干净, 运动型 面带微笑的女孩,她挑的是肮脏 疲倦的肥婆。 I am not skinny or glamorous and I dont know that much about fashion. But I smart ,I learn fast and I will work very hard.我不够苗条也不够漂亮,也不懂时尚,但我很聪明。我学的很快,我会努力工作的。

4.In the end though, I kind of screwed it up,但后来,我搞砸了一些事情。

5. Miranda Priestly is famous for being unpredictable. Okay, Doug, How is it that you know who she is and I didnt? 马琳达 皮斯利是出了名的女魔头,道格, 为什么你知道她而我不知道?

6.她看待事物会有一个更新的视角。She has a fresher take on things. It done. 已经决定了。

7.Have you completely lost your mind?你是不是彻底失去理智了?

8.When the time is right, shell pay me back. Are you sure about that .等时机一到,她会为此补偿我的. 你确定吗?

9. Yeah, dont worry. I know this city like the back of my hand.别担心, 我对这个城市了如指掌。what hell is this .这到底是什么?

10.You have some very large shoes to fill, I hope you know that. 你有的学了,希望你能听明白.

11.She is notorious sadist. and not not in a good way.

12..But I was very very impressed by how intently you tried to warn me,I never thought I would say this, Andrea, but I really I see a great deal of myself in you. You can see beyond what people want and what they need and you can choose for yourself。但是当你想方设法的试图警告我时,我还是非常非常的感动, 我从来没想过我会对你说这些,安吉丽雅。我真的在你身上看到很多与我相似的地方。你能看透别人的想法和需要,你会为此做出选择。

13.You were there for less than a year, what the hell kind of a blip is that?你在那干了不到一年,为什么呆那么短的时间就走呢?

14. 她是个声名狼藉的暴虐狂。这不是什么好名声。.No one would notice anything about her, except how great she is at her job.人们就会专注于她的工作。 I cant believe this ,Youre defending her 也就不会有这么多的是非。 我有点不敢相信,你会帮她说话。

15.Any of the other choices would have found that job impossible.任何其他人选都无法胜任这项工作。










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