- 上一篇:哥们,惜春啊
- 下一篇:名人的“尊严”:敬人者,人恒敬之
真理是我们所有财产中最有价值的,所以让我们节约吧。 谚语
一个人只要肯深入到事物表面以下去探索,哪怕他自己也许看得不对,却为旁人扫清了道路,甚至能使他的错误也终于为真理的事业服务。 博克
一个坏的教师奉送真理,一个好的教师则教人发现真理。 第斯多惠 问题不在于告诉他一个真理,而在于教他怎样去发现真理。 卢梭
真正的jiaoyu者不仅传授真理,而且向自己的学生传授对待真理的态度,激发他们对于善良事物受到鼓舞和钦佩的情感,对于邪恶事物的不可容忍的态度。 (前苏联)苏霍姆林斯基
理性和真理是人所共具的,属于那先说出来的人并不多于那引用的人。也不是根据柏拉图多于根据我自己,既然他和我一样看见和了解它。蜜蜂到处掠取各种花朵,但后来酿成蜜糖,便完全是他们自己的了;已经不再是百里香或仙唇花了。同样,人们属于他自己的作品。他的jiaoyu、工作和研究没有别的目的,只是要培养他的这种消化能力。 蒙田
如果善良的情感没有在童年形成,那么无论什么时候你也培养不出这种感情来。因为人的这种真挚的感情的形成,是与最初接触的、最重要的真理的理解,以及对祖国的语言最细腻之处的体验和感受联系在一起的。 苏霍姆林斯基
教师是克服人类无知和恶习的大机构中的一个活跃而积极的成员,是过去历史所有高尚而伟大的人物跟新一代人之间的中介人,是那些争取真理和幸福的人的神圣遗训的保存者,是过去和未来之间的一个活的环节。 乌申斯基
谁不经过失败挫折,谁就找不到真理 成功的第一个条件是真正的虚心,对自己的一切敝帚自珍的成见,只要看出同真理冲突,都愿意放弃。 斯宾塞
我们只崇敬真理,自由的、无限的、不分国界的真理,毫无种族歧视或偏见的真理。 罗曼罗兰
不管时代的潮流和社会的风尚怎样,人总可以凭着自己高尚的品质,超脱时代和社会,走自己正确的道路。现在,大家都为了电冰箱、汽车、房子而奔波、追逐、竞争。这就是我们这个时代的特征了。但是也还有不少人,他们不追求这些物质的东西,他们追求理想和真理,得到了内心的自由和安宁。 爱因斯坦
我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋予他们若干不可转让的权利,其中包括生命权自由权和追求幸福的权利。 【美】《独立宣言》
Truth is the most valuable assets. We all, so lets save. proverbs
People who struggle for liberation, or to defend a great truth and bear the poor people MRMY collection
If a man will go deep into the surface of things to explore, even if he might see it right, but for others, even a tuesday-night makes his mistakes and finally to the truth of the business services. bok
A bad teacher complimentary truth, a good teachers teach discovered the truth. The more hui
A problem is not tell him the truth, and teach him how to find the truth. Rousseau
The real truth, and teach educators is not only to impart their attitude towards the truth, they are encouraged to good things and admiration for evil things of emotion, not tolerate attitude. (the former Soviet LinSiJi SuHuoM)
Rational and truth is that most of the first, the person that is more than that of reference. Not according to my own, Plato than I saw him and now and know it. Bees everywhere, but later tear various flowers into honey, completely is their own, No longer is the thyme or fairy lip spent. Also, people belong to his own works. His education, work and study, no other purpose is to cultivate the ability of his digestion. Montaigne,
If the kind of emotion in childhood, whenever you also dont train the feelings. Because of this, the sincere feelings with initial contact form is the most important and understandings of truth, and of the motherland is the most exquisite language of experience and feeling relates in together. SuHuoM LinSiJi
Teachers are overcome human ignorance and habits of a large institutions and active member, active is past history of all noble and great character with a new generation of intermediaries, between those who strive for happiness and truth is the sacred pendulum ticks callously, heartlessly preserved,... Between the past and the future is a living link. WuShenSiJi
Who does not pass failure, who will find setbacks. MRMY truth Success is the first condition of the real, everything all his geese are swans prejudices, as with the truth that conflict, all would be willing to give up. Spencer
We only truth, freedom of worship, infinite, regardless of the truth, without borders racial discrimination or prejudice of truth. Roman loren
Regardless of the trend of The Times and social fashion, people always can with noble quality, beyond time and society, walk oneself the correct road. Now, everybody to refrigerators, automobiles and houses and rush, chase, competition. This is the characteristic of our age. But also have many people, they dont pursue these material things, they pursue and truth, the inner freedom and peace. Albert Einstein
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The beauty of the declaration of independence.