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《荒野生存》是一部改编自真实的故事的电影。剧本的灵感来源于1996年强·克拉库尔(Jon Krakauer)的同名作品《荒野生存》(Into the Wild)。故事讲述了一个理想主义和超验主义者克里斯多夫·麦肯迪尼斯(Christopher McCandless)的流浪传奇。该片由奥斯卡金像奖得主西恩·潘编剧并执导,影片在罗马电影节上初演,并于2007年10月19日公演,获得该年奥斯卡金像奖提名,并赢得金球奖。影片中有非常多的励志经典台词小编整理收集了下来,下面来一起看看这些励志激励人心的台词吧!
1.两年来 他行走在这片土地上,没有电话没有泳池没有宠物没有香烟,无拘无束。
Two years he walks the earth.No phone, no pool, no pets,no cigarettes.Ultimate freedom.
2.我看见父亲徘徊在赭色的砂岩拱门下,在他脑后闪烁的红色瓷砖 就像弯曲的血板。
I see my father strolling out under the ochre sandstone arch,the red tiles glinting like bent plates of blood behind his head.
3.我看见母亲拿着几本书依在臀边,站在小砖砌成的柱子旁 身后的铸铁大门依然敞开。
I see my mother with a few light books at her hip,standing at the pillar made of tiny bricks with the wrought-iron gates
4.他们即将毕业他们即将结婚他们是孩子,涉世未深,他们只知道彼此纯洁无辜 绝不会伤害任何人。
They are about to graduate.They are about to get married. They are kids. They are dumb.All they know is they are innocent, they would never hurt anybody.
5.“她不是适合你的女人 他不是适合你的男人
"She's the wrong woman, he's the wrong man.
"You are going to do bad things to children.You are going to suffer in ways you never heard of.You are going to want to die."
You're a young guy! Can't be juggling blood and fire all the time!
8.“在我们心中 它意味着“忘记过去 摆脱压力 逃离法律与繁琐义务,绝对的自由。
"It is associated in our minds with escape,from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations.Absolute freedom.
9.我理解他在做什么,他花了四年履行荒诞乏味的责任,完成大学学业,现在他终于解放了,离开了那个充满幻象脆弱不堪父母管教 物欲横流的世界,离开那些阻碍他体验真实存在的东西。
I understood what he was doing. That he had spent four years fulfilling the absurd and tedious duty of graduating from college,and now he was emancipated from that world of abstraction,false security, parents and material excess,the things that cut Chris off from the truth of his existence.
“Rather than love, than money, than faith,than fame, than fairness,give me truth.”
To me, I wouldn't move for $10 million, unless I had to.
“with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good,and who are not accustomed to have it done to them.And work which one hopes may be of some use.”
God's placed it all around us. It's in everything.It's in anything we can experience.People just need to change the way they look at those things.
They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps to the past.
Towards the front of the surreal, but my heart will never be far away from here.
“Then rest, nature, books, music,love for one's neighbor.”
The sea's only gifts are harsh blows, and occasionally, the chance to feel strong.
Some people feel like they don't deserve love.
19.无径之林 常有情趣
无人之岸 几多惊喜
岸畔崖间 鼓涛为乐
无人驻足 是为桃源
吾爱世人 自然甚之 ——拜伦
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods
There is a rapture on the lonely shore
There is socity, where none intrudes
By the deep sea, and music in its roar
I love not man the less, but Nature more
-Lord Byron
20.不再受俗世文明毒蚀 他遁世而逸。
No longer to be poisoned by civilization, he flees。