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《黑暗中的舞者》(Dancer in the Dark)是一部丹麦导演拉斯冯提尔2000年时的电影作品,由冰岛歌手比约克主演。它是该导演拍摄的三部曲的第三部,另两部是《破浪》和《白痴》(有说法认为《白痴》并不是此三部曲的一部,真正的第三部并没有实际拍摄)。此片获得了2000年第53届法国戛纳电影节金棕榈奖的最佳女演员奖,以及欧洲电影节的最佳影片和最佳女演员奖,并被俄罗斯影评公会、日本学院奥斯卡及蓝缎奖、美国独立精神奖等评为最佳外语片;名列2000年美国评介局(NBR)年度十佳及歌舞片杰出表现(Bjrk)特别加注。此外,也双双获得2001年奥斯卡及金球奖的最佳原创歌曲(Ive Seen It All)提名。

1.the light and the dark, the big and the small光与暗,大与小

2.youve seen it all and all you have seen你与他融在其中

3.ive seen it all, ive seen the dark我看见了它的全部,我看见了黑暗

4.ive seen the willow leaves dancing in the breeze我看见杨柳叶子再微风中跳舞

5.the eiffel tower, the empire state?(www.mcqyy.com)埃佛尔铁塔,帝国状态?

6.you can always review on your own little screen偶尔回顾记忆中的画面

7.what about china? have you seen the great wall?中国怎么样? 您看见长城了吗?

8.and lives that were over before they were spent.结束这种生活吧,在他们失灵之前。

9.the home you will share?共组家庭?

10.ive seen it all, i have seen the trees,我看见它的全部,我看见了树,

11.you havent seen elephants, kings or peru!你看不见大象、国王,也看不到秘鲁什么样!

12.ive seen what i was - i know what ill be我知道自己是什么-也知道自己会变成什么

13.and that is enough, to want more would be greed.足够了,别太贪心。

14.ive seen what i was and i know what ill be我知道自己是什么-也知道自己会变成什么

15.my pulse was as high on my very first date!我的脉搏为出发的日子而兴奋!

16.ive seen the brightness in one little spark.我见到了刹那火花的亮光。

17.i have seen water, its water, thats all我只能看见水,它的水,全部都是

18.im happy to say i had better to do我做自己觉得开心的事

19.all walls are great, if the roof doesnt fall!多么壮观啊,当然前提是他不倒下!

20.youve seen it all - there is no more to see!你看见一切,别人却视而不见!

21.ive seen what i chose and ive seen what i need,我清楚自己选择了什么,我清楚自己需要的什么,

22.ive seen it all - there is no more to see!我看见一切,别人却不视而不见!

23.to be honest, i really dont care老实讲,我根本不在乎

24.youve never been to niagara falls?你从没过尼亚加拉大瀑布吧?

25.and the man you will marry?你决定和他结婚了吗?

26.just keep in mind - you need no more at all记住-没有人能得到全部

27.ive seen it all - there is no more to see!我看见一切,别人却视而不见!

28.to be honest, i really dont care老实讲,我根本不在乎

29.your grandsons hand as he plays with your hair?他的孙子也就是我的手在发间划过?(www.mcqyy.com)

30.youve seen what you were and know what youll be你清楚自己选择了什么,你清楚自己需要的什么,

31.ive seen a friend killed by a friend,我看见了朋友杀死朋友,









