查字典名言网 > 名人语录 > 对搞科学的人来说,勤奋就是成功之母-科学名人语句



教师必须具有健康的体魄,农人的身手,科学的头脑,艺术的兴味,改革社会的精神。 陶行知

科学书籍让人免于愚昧,而文艺作品则使人摆脱粗鄙;对真正的jiaoyu和对人们的幸福来说,二者同样的有益和必要。 车尔尼雪夫斯基

jiaoyu!科学!学会读书,便是点燃火炬;每个字的每个音节都发射火星。 雨果

提出一个问题往往比解决一个更重要。因为解决问题也许仅是一个数学上或实验上的技能而已,而提出新的问题,却需要有创造性的想像力,而且标志着科学的真正进步。 爱因斯坦

想像力比知识更重要,因为知识是有限的,而想像力概括着世界的一切,推动着进步,并且是知识进化的源泉。严格地说,想像力是科学研究的实在因素。 爱因斯坦

作为一个科学家来说,我的成功最主要的是:爱科学在长期思索任何问题上的无限耐心在观察和搜集事实上的勤勉相当的发明能力和常识。 达尔文 对搞科学的人来说,勤奋就是成功之母。 茅以升

如果没有系统的知识的帮助,先天的才能是无力的。直观能解决很多事,但不是一切。天才和科学结合后才能得到最高的成功。 斯宾塞

成功的科学家往往是兴趣广泛的人。他们的独创精神可能来自他们的博学。多样化会使人的观点新鲜,而过于长时间钻研一个狭窄的领域则易使人愚钝。 贝弗里奇

科学不是可以不劳而获的,诚然,在科学上除了汗流满面是没有其他获得成功的方法的;热情也罢,幻想也罢,以整个身心去渴望也罢,都不能代替劳动。 赫尔岑

聪明的资质、内在的干劲、勤奋的工作态度和坚忍不拔的精神,这些都是科学研究成功所需要的其他条件。 贝弗里奇

作为一个科学家来说,我的成功最主要的是:爱科学作者:在长期思索任何问题上的无限耐心作者:在观察和搜集事实上的勤勉作者:相当的发明能力和常识。 达尔文

聪明的资质、内在的干劲、勤奋的工作态度和坚韧不拔的精神,这些都是科学研究成功所需的其他条件。 贝弗里奇

作为一个科学家来说,我的成功最主要的是:爱科学在长期思索任何问题上的无限耐心,在观察和搜集事实上的勤勉,相当的发明能力和常识。 达尔文

对搞科学的人来说,勤奋就是成功之母! 茅以升

Teachers must have a healthy body, the farmers skill, scientific, artistic fascination, the reform of social mental. Tao

The science books, let a person from ignorance and literary works to get rid of coarse, For real education and to the peoples happiness, both the same beneficial and necessary. Left

Education! Science! Learn to read, is lit the torch, Every word of each syllable is launched Mars. Hugo

A problem is more important than to solve a. Because the problem solving is probably just a mathematical or laboratory skills, and put forward the new problems, but requires a creative imagination, and marks the real progress in science. Albert Einstein

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, and summarize the world of imagination, promote the progress of all knowledge, and is the source of evolution. Strictly speaking, the imagination is truly the scientific research. Albert Einstein

As a scientist, my success... The mainest is: love science - in long-term thinking any issue of infinite patience - in fact of observation and collect the invention is diligence-foolish ability and knowledge. Darwin

To make scientific, diligence is the mother of success. MAO yisheng If no systematic knowledge, congenital ability is weak. Intuitive, but can solve many not everything. Genius and combined with science acquired after the highest success. Spencer

A successful scientist is often extensive interest. They may come from their original spirit of knowledgeable. ... Diversification can make persons point of view, and too long time fresh delving into a narrow field is easily makes jack a dull boy. Bei fritz

Science is not can grow in science, admittedly, except perspiration is no other successful method, Enthusiasm, fantasy, with the whole body to want, cannot replace labor. HeErCen

Smart qualification, inner motivation, diligent working attitude and indomitable spirit, which is needed to succeed in scientific research of other conditions. Bei fritz

As a scientist, my success... The mainest is: love science writer: in long-term thinking any issue of infinite patience author: in fact of observation and collect the invention of diligence, and knowledge is ability. Darwin

Smart qualification, inner motivation, diligent working attitude and resilience, these are needed for success in scientific research of other conditions. Bei fritz

As a scientist, my success... The mainest is: love science in long-term thinking any problem of infinite patience, in fact the observation and collect the invention is diligent, ability and knowledge. Darwin

To make scientific, diligence is the mother of success. MAO yisheng









