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2、 Never underestimate your enemy and never let your guard down. 永远不要低估你的敌人还有永远不要放松警惕。




1、 You have really outdone yourself.你真是百尺竿头更进一步。(Nolan)

Ems:May be for the lucky. 对于幸运的人来说也许如此。


2、 Never underestimate the power of guilt; it compels people to some pretty remarkable places. 永远不要低估邪恶的力量,它会将人逼至意想不到的境地。

1、 And mistakes are life and death, collateral damage is inescapable.走错一步,攸关生死;殃及鱼池,在所难免。

5、When everything you love has been stolen from you, sometimes all you have left is revenge.当你所爱的一切被人剥夺,你所剩下的唯有复仇。

Vic:I would say our choices are what define us. 我会说我们的选择造就了我们的现在。

2、 Duress impacts relationships in one of two ways. It either tears people apart, or strengthens their connection, binding them tightly in a common objective. 威胁逼迫对感情有两种影响,或令人们分道扬镳,或令心灵更加紧密,为了同一目标,将彼此牢牢绑紧。

3、 More than ever. 前所未有的意愿。

1、 Trust is the one luxury I cannot afford.信任这种奢侈之物我可承担不起。(Vic)


2、 The task in front of you requires absolute focus. If you let your emotions guide you, you will fail. 荆棘的复仇之路需要你坐到心无旁骛。如果你还放不下儿女情长,你会一败涂地。

2、 Inside the viper’s nest, you must be viper, too. 要想在毒蛇的巢穴中生存,你就必须以毒攻毒。

3、 Guilt is a powerful affliction. You can try to turn your back on it, but that’s when it sneaks up behind you and eats your life. Some people struggle to understand their own guilt, unwilling or unable to justify the part they play in it. Others run away from their guilt, until there’s no conscience left at all. But I run toward my guilt. I feed off of it. I need it. For me, guilt is one of the few lanterns that still light my way. 愧疚是一种磨人新的东西。你可以试着假装它不存在,但同时它也在不知不觉中啃噬着你的生命。一些人挣扎着想认清自己的内疚,不愿或不能为自己洗脱罪名;令一些人则逃之夭夭,直到它完全殆尽。而我却与愧疚正面对峙,甘之若饴,求之若渴。对我而言,愧疚是余下的少数几盏照亮我前路的灯。

3、But two wrongs can never make a right, because two wrongs can never equal each other. For the truly wronged, real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places:Absolute forgiveness…or mortal vindication. This is not a story about forgiveness. 冤冤相报永无终止,因为两种伤害永远不能抵消。对于真正受伤害的一方而言,真正的满足只能通过两种途径实现:彻底宽恕,或者用死亡洗脱罪孽。这不是一个讲述宽恕的故事。

1、 How does it feel now that your targets are no longer more ideas, but flesh and bones? 当那些你假象的复仇目标现在就活生生地在你面前,你有什么感觉?


5、 Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while there maybe, there is a catch. True loyalty takes years to build, and only seconds to destroy.有人说忠诚能激发无穷无尽的希望,这背后或许还有一句潜台词——真正的忠诚,成于成年累月,却可在弹指之间灰飞烟灭。

1、 Some say that our lives are defined by the sum of our choices. But it isn’t really our choices that distinguish who we are. It’s our commitment to them. 有人说我们的人生由自身不断的选择所决定。但真正让我们独一无二的不是那些选择,而是我们为选择所付出的努力。


4、 Some words are immortal. Long-buried or even burned, they’re destined to be reborn, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. And when they do, it can literally take you breath away. 有些话永垂不朽。即使掩埋已久,销毁殆尽,也注定再浮于世,犹如凤凰涅盘。而一旦公诸于世,真相绝对会令人窒息。


3、 We all have secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the world…Friendship we pretend, relationships we hide. But worst of all is that love we never let show. The most dangerous secrets a person can bury are those we keep from ourselves. 每个人都有不愿为外人所知的秘密:虚情假意的友情、密不可宣的关系…… 但最糟糕的是我们深埋心中的爱意。这些隐瞒于心的秘密才是最危险的。

4、 Within each of us is the capacity for both good and evil. But those who are able to blur the moral dividing line hold the true power. 每个人心中都有一个天使一个恶魔,只有那些游刃于道德界线边缘的人,才是真正的强者。

1、“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Confucius

4、They say revenge is a dish best served cold. But sometimes it’s as warm as a bowl of soup. My father died in innocent man. 俗话说君子报仇十年不晚,而有时十年后的仇恨不减当年。我父亲含冤而终。

3、 You are on you own. 你孤军奋战吧。

2、 For someone, commitment is like faith, a chosen devotion to another person or an intangible ideal. But for me, commitment has a shadow side, a darker drive that constantly asks the question how far am I willing to go. 对于某些人来说,承诺如同信仰一样,是自愿向他人或无形的理想效忠。但对我来说,承诺有其阴暗的一面,某种黑暗的驱使力时不时地问我你决心走到哪步。

2、 Count on it.正合孤意(Ems)



1、 Defense lawyers use the term” Duress” to describe the use of force, coercion, or psychological pressure exerted on a client in the commission of a crime. When duress is applied to the emotionally unstable, the result can be as violent as it is unpredictable. 辩护律师常将“胁迫”一词用在实施犯罪的委托人身上,以此来描述力量——强迫,或是心理压力对他们产生的影响。当在一个人情绪不稳时加以胁迫,结果可能会难以预料地可怕。









