查字典名言网 > 电视剧台词 > 《地心历险记2:神秘岛》经典台词



I was looking to talk to you.

What's it for?

What island?

Ha-ha-ha. Aah!

What's all this?


...why you were breaking into a satellite facility in the middle of nowhere?


...in jail right now. - I'm already in jail.


...with his father gone. - That still doesn't excuse his behavior.

You're serious? You're not messing with me?

Brought you as a...

Evening, officers. Anyone up for a late night swim?

This is really important to me.

You know, very concerned adult to somewhat troubled youth.

Rather do the time.

Hey, it's me. You busy?


...Journey to the Center of the Earth...


Do you want to explain to me...

Could've been anywhere. It was these words on a loop.

Hey, buddy. Missed you at poker this week.

Yeah, look.

...Jules Verne wrote some of the greatest adventure stories ever told.

Whoa! Good boy!

...the McGillicuttys' pool. I talked them out of pressing charges.

- It's okay, Liz. - No, it's not.

Cracked up the walkway to my door


Which one am I in that equation?

Vernians know otherwise.

Not good!

Your stepfather's here for you.

No. That's what it says. "The island is real."


- Hey. - Without my speaking part, we'd visit you...

The police calling in the middle of the night is nothing?

I can't believe it. I can't believe somebody actually found the island.

Hey, you know what? Why don't we solve this together?


The Mysterious Island. Vernians have been looking for this for years.

What was he doing there? What was he looking for?

Kid broke into a satellite facility.

I learned that in the Navy.

Hey, buddy.

One syllable words, dots. Two syllable words, dashes.

Thanks for the call. What's going on?

That's a cryptogram, right? Looks like Morse code.


Don't worry about it, Mom. It's nothing, really.


Okay, then. What's it say?

If it weren't for me, you'd be in juvie for the next six months.

Honey, I don't know. All we can do is ask him.

Okay. Here's the deal.

Now that I got you, I just gotta figure out what you mean.

What is that supposed to mean? Sean?

...and The Mysterious Island.


So is the code.



I'm confused. Who gave him a speaking part?

It's complicated.

A few nights ago, a radio signal got sent out.

Hey. Sean, we gotta talk about this.

I didn't ask to be taken away from my school and friends, and dragged all the way to Dayton.

We didn't want this going out over the radio.

Then he drove...

And my equipment wasn't powerful经典台词 enough to receive the whole message, so...

Here we...

Novels such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea...

...his dirt bike into...

Someone sent this message and I'm gonna be the person to solve it.

No. Legal guardian.

- Sean! - It's gotta be tough on him...

All characters from the books of Verne. The message was by a Vernian.

The first part of the message reads, "The...

R-E. "Real. The island is real."

Not here.

In the 19th century...


So you broke into that satellite facility to boost your signal.

Most consider these works of science fiction.



"Pip, Zorn, Strux."









